Members’ Handbook
What You Get With Your GOLD Membership
3 min read by Dmitri.Published on . Updated on .
Thank you for joining the Analog.Cafe GOLD membership program! You are supporting a small, ad-free, privacy-friendly independent publisher. This handbook summarizes all the things you get in return for your patronage. In this handbook: The basics. 🌟 Monthly exclusive articles. 🗝️ High-resolution images. 🌠 Premium apps. 📲 Monthly email updates. 💌 Help & feedback. 🙋 Support this blog & get premium features with GOLD memberships!
The basics. 🌟
All GOLD members get access to the free Analog.Cafe member features. They include apps, downloads, bookmarking, newsletters, commenting, and full access to certain articles. This is already more than what most blogs offer, but there’s more for you to enjoy!
Monthly exclusive articles. 🗝️
Everything published on Analog.Cafe is thoroughly researched, edited, and decorated with high-resolution images. Yet some articles take more time, effort, and resources to create — these are saved for the GOLD members.
Some examples are: “How to Edit Film Scans,” “Home Film Camera Maintenance and Basic Repair Guide,” “How to Get Pastel Colours on Film,” “All the C-41 ISO 800 Colour Films, Compared,” “Developing Film in Cannabis,” “Master the Sunny 16 Rule!,” “The Vintage Film Camera Buying Guide,” and “Pushing Ilford HP5+ to ISO 100,000” — with more added every month.
Find more exclusive articles here.
High-resolution images. 🌠
Analog.Cafe stores 12+ versions of every image and picks the best combination of resolution and file format each time a page is loaded. This takes considerable storage space and compute, which is why the highest-quality images (up to 4,000 pixels wide — which exceeds the 4K standard) are reserved for the GOLD members.
This is a photography blog, specifically film photography, where the true texture of an image is beyond pixels. High-resolution images, such as this 3,000 × 8,205 vertical panorama accompanying the XPan review, illustrate grain on even the finest film stocks, which helps readers like you get a clearer idea of what the scans will look like if you used the same emulsion, gear, or techniques. Plus, they look better!
Premium apps. 📲
film Q is a web-based fully-capable film negative inversion app. It inverts large TIFF files from your scanner and camera RAW images in batches of 100+ without bogging you down with unnecessary settings or obscure conversion algorithms. It uses histogram equalization to output full-resolution images you can colour-correct in your favourite editing software.
GOLD members also get access to Chem Log, an app for home labs that tracks chemical expiration and includes a dilution calculator and an extended development time calculator. This app integrates with Film Log, which helps track film across numerous film cameras with minimal effort.
Film Price Trends is an app that graphs average film prices, tracked since 2018 across three continents, numerous stores, and various film stocks. GOLD members get a detailed breakdown of prices for each store (so that it’s easier to get the best deal) and other advanced insights.
Bulk Roll Calculator is an app that determines the exact number of frames per roll and the number of rolls any bulk amount of film would yield.
See more web apps for film photographers.
Monthly email updates. 💌
In addition to the public newsletters, members receive monthly email updates (on the last or second-last Friday of every month), where I introduce the new exclusive content and share plans for the next month.
Help & feedback. 🙋
I am happy to help with any issue, and I’d love to hear your feedback and feature requests! Email [email protected], drop a comment on the blog, or find me on social media.
Once again, thank you! There would be no Analog.Cafe without your support.