What’s New

237 Film Photography Events & Announcements

  • Updated: “How to Manually Invert Film Negatives.”

    Mar 22, ‘25

    I wrote this guide four years ago after researching ways to personally take over the process that traditional scanning and film inversion apps obfusca…

  • Lomography has updated its DigitaLIZA Scanning Kits.

    Mar 20, ‘25

    The new DigitaLIZA+ and DigitaLIZA Max modular scanning setups allow phone or camera scanning for multiple roll formats: 35mm, 120, 110, and 127. Medium format scans can be as large as 6…

  • film Q User Guide is now public, while the app is still in private beta.

    Mar 14, ‘25

    film Q is a new app that inverts film negatives on the Analog.Cafe website without the need to install any software. It connects to your Dropbox account and processes your files in the clo…

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