About Analog.Cafe Accounts

Free Downloads, Comments, Subscriptions, Bookmarks, and Submissions

2 min read by Dmitri.
Published on . Updated on .

You can open your Analog.Cafe account with just one click. It’s free and it gives you access to a few special priveledges (read below):

Free apps and downloads. 📲

Film Log is a free app that lets you effortlessly keep a record of your film as it gets cycled through your cameras, labs, and archives. If you’ve ever wondered which film you had left in your camera, whether you meant to push/pull process it or over-expose it — this app is for you.

And that’s just one app out of many, plus the growing library of downloadable books, guides, and sample files — free with your Analog.Cafe account.

Comments. 💬

A friendly and open community of film photographers is waiting for you below every article. Add your comments, likes, and start threads. Or create your own post or a question with an image as you would on your favourite social network here.

Save your favourites. ❤

If there’s something that you’d like to read later, you can save it to your favourites. A quick and convenient way to bookmark articles and apps for quick access anywhere on Analog.Cafe.

Saving articles and apps to your favourites also lets the community and the author know that you like the content.

Email newsletters. 💌

Analogue photography is once again a growing, evolving community of manufacturers and creatives. New products are released monthly, and sadly, some are occasionally discontinued. Community Letters is a series of monthly updates where I introduce the news and chat about the state of our creative niche in general. In response to the glowing reader feedback, I am sending these updates to all new members.

Other newsletters, like the Fim Price Reports, are also available for free. Please feel free to look through your Email Subscriptions page to find what you’d like to receive and how often.


Should you like to have your work reviewed and featured on Analog.Cafe, there’s an easy way to get going. You’ll be able to upload and arrange your images, bolden, and italicize your text, add links, create headings, and more.