Danilo Leonardi’s ThreadDanilo Leonardi’s Thread

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  • Giveaway: Polaroid Now I-Type Camera & Film!

    Hi Dmitri, this is my photograph to participate. I’m not sure if it’s my favourite, though, or if I do have a favourite one, but I digress… what I like about this picture is the almost abstract quality of the dark shape of the fountain with Eros on top against the buildings and the sky. Early morning, Piccadilly Circus, Central London — it also happens to be one of the tourist magnets in this large and beautiful city. I took this photograph with my SX-70 Land Camera (sonar AF).

    Keep up the wonderful work you do at Analog.Cafe, Dmitri!

    Best wishes, Danilo

  • Thanks so much, Danilo! Indeed, Polaroid film can make some wonderful silhouettes and your image illustrates that perfectly. 🤩