

A taker of pictures and reader of books. Loves plastic cameras and old crap.

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  • 10 Half-Frame Film Cameras for Under $500

    The ultimate half frame camera is the Lomography Diana mini, and I will die on this hill. Yes, it’s extremely crappy, but it’s also brilliant and allows for double exposure and endless panoramas. And square images (though then you no longer save on film).

  • Giveaway: Polaroid Now I-Type Camera & Film!

    Here‘s a of my favourite building to photograph, an old radio station from the 1930’s. It‘s located in the middle of nowhere, and it‘s always a bit surreal to come out of the forest to a clearing and see this concrete cathedral, as it‘s nicknamed. The pink novelty film makes it even more out of this world.

Joined on September 21, 2023.

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Analog.Cafe is a film photography blog and a community publishing platform made with contributions from many writers and photographers. You can explore their work by clicking their profile icons below. If you haven’t yet, you can submit your article and join our roster once published: submissions are open!