Alicia Marqués’s ThreadAlicia Marqués’s Thread

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  • Olympus LT-1 Camera Review

    hi! Just got an LT-1 camera for myself. Anywhere where I could find the user manual? I am only able to find it for the LT-1 Zoom, but not the LT-1 which is the one I have. I want to be able to program the quartztime correctly and know what the different modes are. Thanks!

  • Hi Alicia!

    I’m having a little trouble finding the manual for this camera myself.

    It may be easier for you to try hitting the “SET” button and then cycle through modes to see if you can set the clock via trial and error. That’s what I did.

    Just remember that when it shows -- -- --, it won’t print anything on your film (i.e., it’s off).