Rveni Labs made a special holder that adapts a portable laser rangefinder device to film cameras.Rveni Labs made a special holder that adapts a portable laser rangefinder device to film cameras.

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  • Rveni Labs made a special holder that adapts a portable laser rangefinder device to film cameras.

    Zone focusing isn’t difficult, but if you’d prefer to have *laser focus* with your manual film camera, there’s now an affordable way to do this. Reveni Labs, a Canadian startup that manufactures film camera accessories, made a holder with a mirror that lets you clip a small laser rangefinder tool, AquilaPro, on top of your camera.

    AquilaPro, which sells for $30, is very accurate, down to 0.078”. There’s about an inch of discrepancy between the actual and measured distance due to the gap between the rangefinder and the mirror introduced by the holder — which won’t be consequential unless you’re shooting with an extremely narrow depth of field. The rangefinder’s limit is 98’ (30m), which can be assumed as an infinity mark (assuming reasonable DOF).

    Reveni Labs sells the holder for $25 CAD or about $18 USD: reveni-labs.com/shop/p/las…

    Reveni Labs product announcement on Instagram: instagram.com/p/DDkSLNYvAR…

    How to zone focus: analog.cafe/r/how-to-zone-…

    What is a depth of field (DOF): analog.cafe/r/what-is-aper…

    #editorial🔥 #gas

  • Update: it appears that consumer laser rangefinders are generally considered safe. Still, I can’t imagine pointing one of those things at someone’s eye during a portrait session, street, or event photography is a good idea.