Website Update v2.1.0

Better Bookmarking, Navigation, and an Offline Mode

2 min read by Dmitri.
Published on . Updated on .
A command-line interface for one of this website’s components.

Analog.Cafe’s website design has just been updated. If you notice any problems with it, please try refreshing the page. And if you find a bug, please report it!

A big thank you to everyone who gave their feedback for this project thus far. It helps immensely. The changes being deployed onto this website today are my direct response to your comments on troubles with navigation — plus a few ideas of mine that came up along the way.

This update is the first step towards making Analog.Cafe work better — based on direct community input — as it continues to grow during its fourth year as a film photography blog.

Unfortunately, I spent way too many hours adjusting this website pixel by pixel over the past two weeks and am feeling completely burned out. So I will keep this post brief.

Updated navigation.

This website used to have a header with minimal navigation controls: just five buttons, one of which was a hamburger menu toggle, and the other was the logo. It is now redesigned to feature all the most-used controls on the left. The navigation bar is horizontally scrollable, kind of like Instagram stories. You can also access it from any point on the page by scrolling up slightly.

The pink colour that washes over it is my idea of a stark brand identity, which should conveniently get out of the way as soon as it is no longer needed.

Better bookmarking.

Building a bookmarking feature from scratch isn’t simple. I took a few shortcuts with the previous iteration as I wasn’t sure if anyone would find it useful. Turns out that a decent number of readers found it handy, warranting a bit of an overhaul.

You can now save and manage your bookmarks from list views and article pages.

Previously, bookmarked articles would be sorted by date of publication. Today, your bookmarks are organized with the most recently saved articles appearing at the top of the page.

Offline browsing is back.

Analog.Cafe could be accessed on a modern browser without an internet connection (provided you’ve visited it before) since day one. However, that feature proved to be unstable, and I removed it last year. But today, it’s back again!

That’s it for v2.1.0. Please don’t forget to report bugs — thank you!