Kind of Blue

C-41 Blue Colour Casts and My Blue Moods

3 min read by marina_guarreschi.
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Ten months ago, I began my DSLR home scanning attempts. As a beginner Photoshop user — or of any image processing software of the kind — I had a lot of trouble getting rid of the blue cast in my images.

“Doll Parts“. Pentax Spotmatic II + Fujifilm Superia 400.

Though there’s certainly a solution to the blue casts, I confess that I never really bothered researching it completely. Instead, I thought of this colour wash as part of my process — as the results reflected my state of mind perfectly.

29/05 — Another day of the fight in a journey against the president, made with Olympus OM-1n + Agfa 100 expired in 2004.

I felt blue, just like the scans, triggered by the sense of being trapped in a world of increasing prices and greater life challenges in the midst of a pandemic.

Consequently, I felt anxious about the scanning and developing process. It was getting expensive. I’ve set up my Canon Rebel T3i with a 3D-printed film holder and a stand. I tried some “new” expired film stocks: Kodak Portra 400, Portra 160, and Ektar 100. They ended up having less blue cast than my other stocks though not devoid of it. Still, both the film scans and I were blue.

One of my favorites. Olympus OM-1n + Portra 400 expired in 2018.
Olliieee. Canon Prima BF-800 + Fujifilm Superia 400.
São Paulo. Canon Prima BF-800 + Fujifilm Superia 400.
An autumn day. Olympus OM-1n + Portra 400 expired in 2018.

The blue tint permeating my images is soft, sometimes barely noticeable, yet is an integral part of the entire scene, much like the diluted yet pervading melancholy within me.

Drink the water. Olympus OM-1n + Portra 400 expired in 2018.

The blue flows from navy to aquamarine; it folds in with oranges, reds, and yellows. This blue is the Kind of Blue, as it reminds me of the incredible namesake album by Miles Davis that I hold close to my heart, in moments like these when I feel blue.