Searching for Freedom

A 6000-Mile Road Trip Across America

5 min read by Kabir Dugal.
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The following collection of photos is from a road trip taken with my brother and two friends of mine last summer, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. In the span of a few weeks, our lives, and the world around us came to a screeching halt.

Note from the editor.

Please use caution when travelling and follow your local health authorities’ guidelines.


The route.

After months of feeling trapped at home with limited interactions and an overwhelming feeling that time was slipping away with each passing moment of inaction, we set out to cross the country on a search for freedom, purpose and an aim to recapture a sense of youth that had been stifled by the severity of the pandemic.

On the plains of existence (an Oregon coast sunset).
Touching the Mississippi.
Big Midwest skies and sunflower fields.
Escaping the 120 degree Arizona heat.
Ethereality on the Vegas strip.