New Film: Cinema Shorts

Hand-Rolled Anniversary Edition Colour Kodak Motion Picture Film for ECN-2

3 min read by Dmitri.
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Cinema Shorts is a new hand-rolled Kodak Vision 3 50D and Kodak Vision 3 250D motion picture film that comes with development instructions and a list of labs that process ECN-2 worldwide.

This film has remjet backing for the most accurate colour reproduction.

Cinema Shorts is hand-rolled into recycled metal 35mm film canisters. There’s no DX code, though both films may still give good results in point-and-shoot film cameras.

Each set of 3 × 35mm/36exp. includes 3 months of Analog.Cafe GOLD membership — valid for new and existing members. You can choose between two rolls of 250D plus one 50D or a single roll of 250D plus two 50D rolls.

Preorders are now open!

Option A: 2×250D plus 1×50D

Option B: 2×50D plus 1×250D

Price: $39 for three rolls. Shipping to the US and Canada: $5.

This film has a limited supply as I’m packing it all at home.

Shipping before the end of August 2024.

Note: Because this film is spooled by hand, the last frame of the roll should be discarded. Don’t worry: I’m adding a couple of extra to ensure you get all 36 (or more)!

Affordable premium-quality colour-negative film.

Film photography is back. This year alone, Ricoh sold out of its brand-new film cameras days after their release, and Ilford/Harman is making colour film again.

But film isn’t cheap, and it’s in short supply.

So I dug around and found a deal on fresh Kodak film in bulk. Cinema Shorts is the product of my labour splitting and packaging that film into my recycled metal 135 film canisters. It includes all the info you’ll need to develop it at home. And if that’s not your thing, I’m including a list of all known labs that can develop ECN-2.

At $13/roll, it’s $2 less than the average film price in 2024 or $5 less than the same film with remjet removed. But that’s not all.

Each box includes a secret code you can redeem for three months of GOLD membership on Analog.Cafe. This will give you access to all the premium articles, high-res images, and monthly member updates.

Anniversary-edition film pack. 🎈

I can’t believe this blog has just turned seven!

The first few entries and most of the design aesthetic were written in Chiang Mai, a sunny northern cultural hub in Thailand. Lots has changed since! 600+ articles written, 10,000+ Community Letters readers joined, and 120+ contributing writers wrote.

It’s time to celebrate and I can’t think of a better way than shooting more film.

Limited supply.

I’ve only made 10 packs. If there’s interest, I’ll try to make more, but that will be later.

Thank you all for your support and the wonderful seven years of film photography discovery on Analog.Cafe. 🩷