Comments, Page 6
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- Kyocera/Yashica Samurai x3.0 Film Camera Review
Can the camera controls like zoom be tested without placing film in it? I have a 3.0 ad 4.0 and while the camera turns on, the zoom buttons on both are unreactive. So I am doubting whether it requires film to be loaded.
- Interesting review of the high end Canon camera. I thought I’d just mention here, that at one time, I owned two mint Canon Ftb’s, and a series of the last of the breech lock lenses that were multi-coated, which I preferred to the newer non-breech lo…
Thanks so much for stopping by and the note! I’ll have to give an FTb a try someday. Thankfully, Canon SLRs are still quite affordable today.
- Canon F-1 (Original) Film Camera Review
Interesting review of the high end Canon camera. I thought I’d just mention here, that at one time, I owned two mint Canon Ftb’s, and a series of the last of the breech lock lenses that were multi-coated, which I preferred to the newer non-breech lock lenses. When I brought them in to Canon in Chicago for a CLA, a technician working there from Japan felt the need to come out and talk to me when I picked them up. He wanted me to know the FTb’s were considered some of the strongest and most solid cameras Canon ever produced, and I should hold on to them! Wish I had…
Update the firmware on your Polaroid I-2 to fix the autoexposure features.
Until recently, full auto, shutter priority, and aperture priority modes on Polaroid I-2 cameras have been lacking or useless, according to @theinstantcameraguy in his YouTube video:…
But an easy firmware update that you can initiate through your Polaroid app is now available to fix it all. Once you pair your camera with your phone, you can view your firmware version in your app and update it if necessary. The version that fixes the above issues is v1.02.1.
In addition to the firmware announcement and explanation of what it fixes, @theinstantcameraguy notes that it took Polaroid an entire year to develop the firmware update meant to remedy critical features of an expensive camera. It is an unusually long software update cycle, even for a large company with the pains of corporate bureaucracy.
Based on his explanation of how the exposure issues were circumvented manually, it must’ve been a complex problem to solve. Nevertheless, Polaroid is also known for restoring one of the most complicated chemical products in the world. Hence, it’s hard to imagine this fix was beyond their ability to deliver in a shorter timeframe.
One last thing: the video is a little fumy, so if you’d rather not get upset, just update the firmware and enjoy the fix!
- Buenas! Espero que se encuentren genial! Les escribo desde Uruguay. Mi comentario se debe a que tengo una cámara Canon EOS Rebel G (similar a la mencionada en este articulo) y quiero utilizarla con un lente que no es de la marca Canon, al realizar…
Hi Martín,
I think that if you’re using a lens that has an auto-only aperture control using a method I described, it’ll always have the aperture fully open. Because such lenses rely on the camera body to close down the aperture just before the picture is taken and in this case, it is disconnected from the body.
Hope this helps!
- Canon EOS 5/EOS A2 Film SLR Review
Buenas! Espero que se encuentren genial!
Les escribo desde Uruguay. Mi comentario se debe a que tengo una cámara Canon EOS Rebel G (similar a la mencionada en este articulo) y quiero utilizarla con un lente que no es de la marca Canon, al realizar lo que mencionan de girarlo 2 grados en sentido antihorario me figura que la apertura de diafragma es de 0.0, mi pregunta es, ¿Al sacar fotos así, la apertura pasa a ser la mínima del lente (en este caso 1.4)? En este lente no tengo la opción de regular la apertura desde el mismo.
Espero que se entienda, les envío un saludo enorme.
SPOILER ALERT: tomorrow’s new film release!
It came to my attention that a new film, or more precisely, a new film format, will launch on September 5th, 2024.
I’m marking this post as a spoiler, and I won’t attach any images here for the benefit of those who like surprises delivered by the manufacturers and folks whom they choose to spread the word about the products.
But since you’re here, you must’ve clicked the link, so here it goes:
It appears that Harman will be releasing their Phoenix 200 film in 120 format very shortly.
This is fantastic news for those who enjoy this emulsion but would rather see tighter grain in their images. This includes me, as I enjoyed the vividness of the colours of this new film but wished for more resolution.
In my Harman Phoenix 200 film review (…), I even made a composite image from seven vertical panoramas to see how it would look in a larger format. You can find that and all the technical info about this film (which applies to all formats) in the above link.
This news was accidentally leaked by Harman when they published a blog post about the medium-format release early. The company has since taken it down, but you can see the cached version here: webcache.googleusercontent….
The listed price on the above post is £10.99 or ~$14.50.
- Ha, I have that underwater camera, only without the Dua Lipa branding. It’s a fun little toy. If you’re into Dua Lipa, go for it. If not, you can probably find a generic one for a fraction of the price.
Nice! It looks cute as-is 😃
Love that you took a photo of it on film too.
- Brief film camera-related updates from Polaroid, Lomography, and Dua Lipa. I just got an email from Polaroid showing off their two new colours for the Now Generation 2 instant cameras: Purple and Vintage White. I reviewed this camera in (regular) w…
Ha, I have that underwater camera, only without the Dua Lipa branding. It’s a fun little toy. If you’re into Dua Lipa, go for it. If not, you can probably find a generic one for a fraction of the price.
Brief film camera-related updates from Polaroid, Lomography, and Dua Lipa.
I just got an email from Polaroid showing off their two new colours for the Now Generation 2 instant cameras: Purple and Vintage White. I reviewed this camera in (regular) white here:….
Lomography is discounting their Diana Mini cameras by 25% as they sell the last of their stock:…. Diana Mini is a classic plastic camera with interchangeable formats (square and half); I reviewed it here:…
According to Kosmo Foto, Dua Lipa, a pop star who also shoots film, is selling a waterproof, reusable plastic camera that can be submerged up to 3m/10’. The camera can be found at for $40, and the header image appears to be shot on that exact camera.
Stephen has more details about the camera and the history of artist swag in his article about Dua Lipa’s camera:…
I just listed a few new cameras, lenses, and film at the shop.
Find them here:
All items include free shipping to the US and Canada. All film cameras are film-tested. Many were the ones I reviewed on this blog, so you know they got a proper exercise. Samples are available with each camera/lens.
Everything, except for film, has a 30-day warranty. The shop has glowing reviews and a five-star rating. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thanks for your support and happy September!
- О сколько нам ошибок чудных готовит Прсвещенья дух, и опыт, сын ошибок трудных и гений, парадоксов друг… . Решил пробовать этот фильм в 120 формате, снимаю на старенький советский Любитель 166В, вчера и сегодня снимал сцены с разным уровнем освещени…
Nice! This is a lovely-looking camera, I’ve heard a lot of good things about it.
- Fujichrome Provia 100F Film Review
О сколько нам открытий чудных готовит Прсвещенья дух, и опыт, сын ошибок трудных и гений, парадоксов друг… . Решил пробовать этот фильм в 120 формате, снимаю на старенький советский Любитель 166В, вчера и сегодня снимал сцены с разным уровнем освещения, экспозиции и условий на природе. Фильм просрочен почти на 15 лет, но по словам продавца хранился всё время в холодильнике. Снимать на Любитель 166 ни с чем не сравнимое удовольствие, это всё равно как пересесть из кабины современного сверхзвукового истребителя на относительно тихоходный и простой МиГ-15… Но в целом мне очень нравится! Хотя есть нюансы, нужен постоянный самоконтроль чтоб не упустил и не испортить каждый кадр, к сожалению я это сделал как минимум с одним, если не с двумя, ну что ж, опыт он такой!
I found a video of someone scanning 35mm film with a microscope.
@atticdarkroom’s recent video is an experiment I’ve been meaning to do but never quite got around to. In it, he compares various scanners and demonstrates a relatively cheap method of adapting a digital camera lens to a microscope.
Of course, simple ideas can become complicated quickly, as is the case with this scanning setup. Because a microscope can view only a tiny area of the film strip, it needs to be shifted precisely and methodically over the entire area, and the resulting images would need to be stitched digitally. @atticdarkroom made each shift manually by twisting knobs with the numbers on them. Not to forget wet mounting, adapter lens aberrations, and vignetting — it’s a lot!
Pretty happy someone did this, yet I still wonder about more powerful microscopes, like the ones used in this study: videopreservation.conserva…
A mathematician and a stand-up comedian filmed the platform’s first YouTube video on 35mm film, only occasionally switching the format to 16mm to illustrate a point.
Stand-up Maths’ explainer video is not a short film or an art project. It is specifically YouTube-style educational content. In his exceptionally expensive ($2 per second, not counting the crew fees) video, Matt Parker explained various film formats and aspect ratios, including anamorphic lenses and IMAX. His team did film some anamorphic footage, which you may get as a gift (on a strip of film) if you subscribe to his Patreon account under an appropriate option.
This video was so impressive (just for its sheer audacity) that I half-expected some of it to be filmed on an IMAX camera. That didn’t happen — which I suppose opens the door for someone else to claim YouTube’s first. Maybe Marques Brownlee can afford some?
- Was the film overexposed to compensate for expiration?
Hope it works this time for you, Vladimir! You can also try equalizing the histogram of your scans. It may help you get rid of some fogging and colour casts:…
- Was the film overexposed to compensate for expiration?
У меня есть несколько просроченных роликов Орвохром UT 21, 1992 г. отснял пару фильмов и не попал в экспозицию, снимал с ИСО 6, пара плёнок вообще получились непрозрачные, одна с изображениями, но красно-коричневый оттенок. В этот раз снял ролик Орвохрома со "скобками”, отослал в лабораторию и жду результаты. Надеюсь что хоть что то получится, чтоб понимать как снимать эти фильмы в будущем!
- Was the film overexposed to compensate for expiration?
Hi Vladimir, I expose expired slide film at box speed, yes. This stuff does not handle over-exposure well. However, when it comes to colour-negative film (C-41), I typically add +1 stop of exposure for every decade past its expiration date. So if it’s something like Portra 400VC that expired in 2010, I’d shoot it as if it was an ISO 200 film and develop it normally. Hope that helps!
I made a short video about loading, testing, and packaging Kodak Vision 3 Motion Picture film.
A few of you ordered Cinema Shorts, anniversary edition triple packs (…) last month — thank you. It’s that film.
I’ve since loaded all 200 feet of it into upcycled metal film canisters, tested the emulsion, designed the branding, ordered the materials, and packaged the boxes. This short video summarizes the process.
I didn’t include the part where I was sweating while trying to fit a reel that was too big for the bulk loader and the (literal) potato stamp. But that’s not important.
- Was the film overexposed to compensate for expiration?
Дмитрий, доброго Вам времени суток, читая внимательно Ваши статьи я обратил внимание что Вы всегда снимаете просроченные фильмы на коробочной скорости, полагая что реверсивная плёнка практически не теряет заявленное производителем ИСО. Судя по результатам Ваших изысканий так оно и есть, я очень впечатлён Вашими анализами и воспользуюсь ими когда получу просроченные реверсивные фильмы Фуджи и Эктахром 120 формата, особенно интересны буду фильмы где просрочка два десятилетия!