Missed January’s film news and rumours.
Missed January’s film news and rumours.

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  • Missed January’s film news and rumours.

    Last week, I wrote about Analogue aF-1 (analog.cafe/comments/u725). But there’s also a new colour film that may become the cheapest of all (replacing Kodak ColorPlus: analog.cafe/app/film-price…). It’s been announced last year (kosmofoto.com/2024/05/chin…). Reflx Lab confirmed more good news:

    “According to a contact from Reflx Lab who recently visited Lucky Film’s headquarters in Hebei, China, the new color film is expected to hit the market in Q2 2025. It’s projected to be the most affordable color film available” — reflxlab.com/en-ca/blogs/n…

    Lucky Film used to make colour film for Kodak but the new project will be an independent production. Lucky is (assumingly) not the same as Fujifilm’s new facility in China: analog.cafe/r/film-photogr…

    Also, there were rumours online that Ferrania was going out of business. But it looks like *they are not,* although they have been difficult to reach recently, the website was down for some time, and their film stock is low. Eventually, someone from Ferrania (it’s a city; look it up!) came back with the good news: the company is still active.
