mhhmailbox-analog’s Threadmhhmailbox-analog’s Thread

All Comments☝️

  • Minox 35 GT Camera Review

    The negative format of the original “finger-sized” Minox is NOT 110. It is 8x11 mm and was named that way (unlike e.g. the 110, 126, 120, 220 formats, which did not contain the negative format in the name itself). 8x11 was introduced by Minox in 1948 with the Minox A. The 110 format is 13 x 17 mm (in a plastic cassette with background paper) and was presented by Kodak in 1972.

    I prefer the Olympus XA line (XA with the rangefinder and easyer to handle apertur slider beside the lens, and XA2, a real P&S, with the 3 zone focus marks) over Minox 35, which I find to fiddely to set up the aperture.

    Nice review and reading

  • Thanks for the note! Fascinating, I’ll do a bit more research and correct the article shortly. Really appreciate the input.

    Re: XA, I couldn’t get used to the “touch” shutter button no matter how much I wanted to like that camera, unfortunately. I also had bad luck with the rangefinder patch. Which is why I’m a bit jealous it worked out for you. Maybe I’ll give it another try someday. 🤔


  • Fixed!