#editorial for March 13, 2024#editorial for March 13, 2024

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  • “Fujifilm Back in Production!” — Yvonne Hanson.

    Fujifilm is famously opaque when it comes to communicating its work on film production. Though a former rival of Kodak for the top spot in emulsion sales worldwide, the Japanese brand of today makes the most money in makeup, drugs, digital cameras, and other chemical products. Film is far down the “todo” list for Fujifilm, which you can also gleam from the great number of emulsions they discontinued over the years: analog.cafe/search?for=fuj…

    The latest in Fujifilm’s apparent lags in film production was “Fujifilm 400” colour film for their lower tier of emulsions that replaced Fuji Superia X-Tra (analog.cafe/r/fujifilm-sup…) and has been theorized to be just rebranded Kodak Ultramax film (analog.cafe/r/kodak-ultram…).

    The Good News. Though Fujifilm doesn’t open its factory doors like Kodak (analog.cafe/comments/tnq0) or Polaroid, the company did say that the film production delays should be temporary: kosmofoto.com/2021/11/fuji…

    You may’ve seen some Fuji stocks reappear in your local store already, but that probably won’t compare to how things going in Japan, where Yvonne found fresh Fujicolor and, 200/400 ISO Superia Fujifilm stocks: youtube.com/watch?v=vwQ6Wj…

    Soon, we may even get Pro 400H!

    #editorial #video

  • Finally! I’m a big fan of the once-locally-available Agfa Vista+ 200 (rebranded Fujicolor C200), I’d love to see it again. :)

  • Agfa Vista was my jam! Still have a few rolls in the freezer 🤫