film Q User Guide is now public, while the app is still in private beta.
film Q User Guide is now public, while the app is still in private beta.

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  • film Q User Guide is now public, while the app is still in private beta.

    film Q is a new app that inverts film negatives on the Analog.Cafe website without the need to install any software. It connects to your Dropbox account and processes your files in the cloud.

    This app will have several advantages over traditional film inversion apps, such as hands-off batch processing, zero resource usage, and an open and consistent inversion algorithm.

    My goal with this app is to show you exactly what the inversion software does so that there are no unanswered questions about your exposure, film development quality, or the impact of your software on the image.

    This app is still in active development and is only available for testing upon request. However, you can get a glimpse of how it looks and works through the help docs that are now live:

    If you would like to support further development of this project, please consider becoming a subscriber:

    For the app announcement and the approximate release timeline, see…

    If you’d like to try this app or have any questions or feedback, please let me know. I want this new product to be as helpful as possible for folks who scan film at home.

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