Will CineStill Ever Recover From This?Will CineStill Ever Recover From This?

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  • Will CineStill Ever Recover From This?

    Daren from Learn Film Photography has just published an hour-long talk about last year’s CineStill controversy on YouTube (see analog.cafe/r/cinestill-80… and analog.cafe/r/film-photogr…)

    CineStill got a lot of pushback from the community. Many bloggers and YouTubers vowed never to buy their products and called them names (probably for clicks).

    But real life isn’t made of villains and heroes. Lives and businesses are complicated stories involving countless decisions, and the repercussions of those actions aren’t always clear. This is why it’s so important to stand back for a moment and do the due diligence to get as many facts about an event as possible. This is what makes good reporting.

    Daren did just that for us in his podcast-style video about the CineStill controversy that shook the film photography niche to its core late last year.

    #editorial🔥 #video
