Mats Fagerberg’s ThreadMats Fagerberg’s Thread

All Comments☝️

  • Fujifilm Cardia Tiara/DL Super Mini Camera Review

    Shame about the softening of the lens at close focus. I have a Nikon AF600, it’s almost as small as both the TC-1 and the Tiara, 28mm and the lens is just incredibly sharp at around infinity. But at closer range it’s a lot softer for some reason. So soft I was wondering if there was some sort of focus calibration error. But no, after checking it’s just a lot softer at those ranges unfortunately. At 5m-infinity it’s probably one of the sharpest point and shoots. The Tiaras older brother the Fuji DL-500 is another overlooked 28mm point and shoot. Lens is very good, but probably not as the Tiara, small size, and best of all it moves the lens into focus at half press like the TC-1 making it very snappy and enjoyable to use. These can be had fairly cheap as well.

  • It might be that close focus is just difficult to correct on such small lenses. 🤷‍♂️

    I’ve noted the cameras you mentioned and will check them out. Fascinating stuff. Thanks, Mats!

  • Yeah, that‘s possible. On my mju I, and especially the mju II the lens seems to be almost better at close range though. I have some extremely crisp portraits with the mju ii where you can see every detail in the hair, fabrics, skin etc.

    The AF-600 is actually quite well known for the lens and it’s size, and still not too expensive for some reason. The Fuji DL-500 is more overlooked but actually the more enjoyable camera in real use imo. It goes by like 10 different names (no kidding:…)

    I’ve always wanted to try the Tiara and I have seen some very nice shots taken with it. But I have never found a good deal on it, and the ebay prices are a bit more than I would like to pay for a compact.