Adox Color Mission Helios colour negative film sample photos and approximate release date announced?Adox Color Mission Helios colour negative film sample photos and approximate release date announced?

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  • Adox Color Mission Helios colour negative film sample photos and approximate release date announced?

    I saw the new Electachrome video today (…), where Molly shared an exciting update about the new colour film from the German film manufacturer.

    Molly discovered that the German-language Adox website (…) has an announcement about the new film “coming next season” (whatever that means). The announcement is nowhere to be seen on the English-language homepage.

    The sample images look orangy; the website explains that this is a simple three-layer emulsion, suggesting it’s an experiment in progress.

    This film would be a follow-up to the ‘22 Adox Color Mission launch. That was the remainder of the stock that Adox bought from another (defunct) manufacturer along with some technical documentation and possibly tools. The ‘22 Color Mission is beautiful: grainy and colourful.…

    The Helios version appears to be Adox’ first step towards recreating the ‘22 Color Mission. And they seem to be a long way from that, given the colour shifts and usable sensitivity of ISO 1.5.

    Google Translate from “This is more practical than you might think now. During the day in the sun and with a reasonably fast lens, you take photos handheld.”

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