Those on here mentioned the edge aberrations, might be interested in knowing that if this camera uses the same programming as the Stylus, then they should know the Stylists programming was always kind of weird, I.e. it basically keeps the lens wide open until the shutter speed tops out, then it starts shutting down. I consider this to be a real flaw, it would have been better to shut down to 5.6 after the shutter hit 1/30th, and then continue. I loved the Stylus and owned three, but this and the gearing failing were the two big flaws!
It seems to like to shoot wide open as well, though maybe not too the extreme the mju ii does. You can actually find the exposure chart of mju II online and it starts to stop down after 1/125th (it goes to down to 1/1000 @ f11 in bright light so no f16 or smaller!). It’s a great camera but I also have a lot of slightly out of focus shots because of this.
I really enjoy the tendency of these cameras to shoot at wider apertures. Most point-and-shoots tend to avoid narrow depths of field, which makes Mju I/LT-1 somewhat special. Aside from minimizing motion blur, their lenses render bokeh beautifully to my eye.
umboland Jan 29, ‘23
Mats Fagerberg Jul 20, ‘23
Dmitri Jul 20, ‘23