Levi Breederland


Yeah‽ Well you don't look normal, so there. ❤️‍🔥🎼🍻📷 🐘 https://t.co/jwMZGSk42B 💍 @k8breederland 💼 Alt school IT sysadmin 🗳 TANSTAAFL in the morning

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  • Giveaway: Kodak Ektar H35N Half-Frame Film Camera

    1. Limited supply means I can’t shoot a million for the sake of one perfect shot.

    2. I like the set of options that I get (shutter/aperture/lens) combined with the limitations (film stock/ISO of the roll).

    3. № 1 and № 2 combined means I can’t hate something that didn’t turn out well. I learn to appreciate what worked.

    4. Shooting film means I get to develop film, and I enjoy doing that as well.

Joined on March 20, 2023.

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