
Slow Pace Photography

4 min read by Carlos García-Suárez.
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Steganography could be described as a group of techniques that consist of setting up hidden communication channels through visible objects. Despite its innocent appearance, only those aware of the message’s existence can access the concealed content.

Tourists are prone to visiting a checklist of places superficially. As a result, the visitors concentrate in a few spots that are supposedly highly recommended. However, analog photography forces us to slow down, which has a side effect: giving access to a wide range of unfrequented “monuments,” such as the beauty of light, the peculiar shape of shadows, and more.

When you google “Ibiza,” your results will be famous visitors, exclusive discotheques, nightlife, and picturesque beaches. But those with a trained photographic eye will seek out insights concealed from mass tourism. I’ve been visiting Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza) periodically for twenty years. Recently, thanks to my interest in slow pace photography, I’ve been granted access to a different perspective of the village. My stroll along the seashore gifted me an opportunity to have the landscape reveal its secrets.

To make these photographs, I used my favourite manual camera, Olympus OM4 with my 28mm 2.8 and 50 1.8 lenses with a Hoya red filter. Everything was shot on Kodak Tri-X 400 and Ilford HP5+. The images were developed and scanned at Carmencita Lab.