Sofia on Ektar

4 min read by olli thomson.
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Here are a few shots from my second roll of 2019 shot in January on my Minolta XD with the Rokkor 24/2.8 MD and the Rokkor 50/1.4 MD lenses on Kodak Ektar 100.

The first shot is of the minaret of the Banya Bashi mosque, the only functioning mosque in Sofia which dates from the 16th century during the time of the Ottomans. It was reputedly designed by Mimar Sinan who was responsible for some of the most outstanding Ottoman mosques including the famous Blue Mosque in Istanbul. The second picture shows the excavated ruins of the ancient city of Serdika which lies beneath modern Sofia with the Orthodox church of Saint Nedelya in the background.

Banya Bashi Mosque
Ruins of Serdika

Next, two very different monuments. First is the Saint Sofia statue which I posted about previously, and then the Monument to the Soviet Army which I have also blogged about before.

Saint Sofia Statue
Monument to the Soviet Army

A little architecture next. First, the Ivan Vazov National Theatre, then the National Art Gallery which was formerly the Royal Palace and then the facade of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski with the entrance to the Metro station in the foreground.

Ivan Vazov National Theatre
National Art Gallery
Sofia University ‘St Kliment Ohridski’

Lastly, one of the bronze Lions that stands on Lavov Most – Lion Bridge – and the window of Photo Dekov, one of a number of photography stores in the city that cater to the film photographer.

Lavov Most
Photo Dekov