Moscow Dayze

Read the Entire Non-Fiction Book About My “Time” Travel to Russia

20 min read by Dmitri.
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Moscow Dayze was independently published as a hand-made 74-page photobook in 2021. All physical copies are now sold out.

This is a remastered 4th Online Edition of the same book.

I’ve mixed the printed books’ paper texture (captured on Velvia 50) with the film scans and typography arranged in spreads of two for optimal viewing. Text annotations are also included.

This book is available exclusively for Analog.Cafe GOLD members. You can read it below or download it for your personal collection as a PDF — see below (or get just the PDF from Etsy).

What this book is about.

This book describes a moment in time in Moscow that transcends time, just before the pandemic and Putin’s cruel invasion of Ukraine. It’s told from my perspective as a first-generation Russian-Canadian immigrant seeing/sleeping in his childhood home for the first time in 20 years.

Moscow Dayze tells this story through a series of film photographs and prose that takes on a contemplative, melancholic rhythm.

A look inside.

Materials. I printed the physical verision of this book at home on Epson ET-M2170, a monochrome inkjet and bound with staples and glue. The digital-only 4th Online Edition of this book uses photos of the physical book for texture effect.

The PDF version and the below new 4th Edition were updated to optimize the images for screen contrast. This book should be viewed as a series of spreads, not individual pages, so I took extra care to make sure it looks good in that format (which is quite different from the print layout).

The web version of the book includes page spreads with a bit of paper texture sampled from photos of blank paper made with Fujichrome Velvia 50 slide film shot in a half-frame SLR. I took extra care to make them look like real paper without taking away from the content.

The photos in this book were taken on film in black-and-white (Delta 400 & 3200, FP4+ in Ilford DD-X) and colour (Agfa Vista 200, Lomochrome Metropolis).

The original printed copy of Moscow Dayze.
4th Online Edition made for display with original paper textures.

Download the book.

You can download and keep this book forever as a PDF without the stylized page textures and creases. Or you can continue reading the Online Edition below with all the effects and text transcripts.

Each page in the PDF document resolves at around 6600×2500px for optimal legibility, especially when reading on smaller devices. The text is selectable.