Cuba Square Project
5 min read by Kitja.Published on . Updated on .
Cuba was my remedy,
Black Graffiti.
Havana was my cure.
Laughing Life.
That is my silence,
The Watcher.
My solitude of silence.
Double Solitude.
Everything was tightly connected with Cuba.
Baloon Seller.
I would like to share with the rest of the world my light signature,
Dance Teacher.
We really are so small behind our own eyes,
Icecreame Girl.
Behind our fancy clothes,
Behind our favorite thoughts.
Thinking together.
I would like to share my emotions,
I would like to share my vision
On the Stairs.
in the memories of the audience.
Resting in Havana.
The B&W Photography is the Zen
Havana Hallway.
In a very sense of that word.
Me & Che.
Finally, only reflections remained.
My Mirror Shape.